Frequently Asked Questions
I’m having issues with Canvas, who do I contact?
A: You must be logged in to your Canvas account, then on the left side at the bottom, click Help and it will take you to several resources.
I’m having trouble logging in to Canvas – what do I do?
A: First make sure you are using the correct Canvas login credentials. Your username should be your college email address (usually and your initial password is your student ID number. You can change this password after you log in the first time. If you still have issues, you can contact 24/7 Canvas Support at 844-334-0159.
How do I log in on one of the college computers?
A: Just use your college network login credentials. These credentials are provided to you in an email sent by IT Security. The email typically arrives a few weeks before classes start.
How do I get to the Library resources page (via EZ Proxy)?
A: Use your college network login credentials that you received in an email from IT Security a few weeks prior to the start of classes. If you still have issues, or can’t remember your college network login, you can either visit OR you can contact the IT Service Desk at 402-481-8960. *Please know that the resetting of the password may take a few hours to complete!
It says my college network login password has expired–what do I do?
A: This password is set to expire every 90 days, so you just have to update it. If you are trying to log onto a college computer, it will prompt you to change your password easily. But if you are on a personal device at home, you can try to reset the password by visiting If this still doesn’t work, contact the IT Service Desk at 402-481-8960.
It says my college Gmail account password has expired – what do I do?
A: This will expire every 90 days, so you just have to reset it.
I can’t remember the password for my college Gmail account – what do I do?
A: You can contact to help you reset it. If all else fails, you can contact the IT service Desk 24/7 at 402-481-8960.
When do I apply for Financial Aid?
A: Our FAFSA priority filing date is March 1. We suggest completing the second step, FAFSA Awarding and Verification Portal, after you register for classes.
How can I qualify for scholarships?
A: There is a general scholarship application available for active Bryan College of Health Sciences students. Students may apply each March.
Where do I send my direct deposit form?
A: Send to or drop it off at Student Accounts Office #223. This form can be accessed on your Student Portal and is used to give us your banking information for sending any refunds.
What types of payments can be made on the Student Portal?
A: On the portal you can only pay with a debit or credit card (Discover, MasterCard & Visa).
Where do I send my payment plan form?
A: Drop off or mail it to:
Bryan College of Health Sciences
Attn: Student Accounts Office #223
1535 S 52nd St
Lincoln, NE 68506
If I need certain forms, where can I find them?
A: You can go through the Student Portal, click on My Documents > Academic Records. OR you can go through the Bryan website, go to the Current Students tab > Records and Registration > Student Forms.
I’m trying to reset my Student Portal password, but it’s not working – what do I do?
A: First, make sure you’re using the correct username (usually in the form of ‘firstname.lastname’); ALSO, remember that your Student Portal login credentials are NOT the same as the login credentials you used in the Applicant Portal when you first applied. So be sure you are using the correct ones. If you still have issues, contact Jawad Qudus (402-481-8729) or Ryan Moore (402-481-8336).
What do I do if I lost my badge, or my badge is not working?
A: Email for next steps.
How do I change/update my address?
A: Go to Student Portal, click on My Profile > My Information. Scroll down and click the Request Change link. To update info for your Emergency Contacts, click the Addresses tab, then Request New Address Link.
If I am needing an update or I have a request, what do I do?
A: Chances are there’s a form for that! Go to your Student Portal and click on My Documents > Academic Records to see all the student forms. If you still can’t find what you need, you can email
How do I obtain or renew my CPR certification?
A: Visit